
Payment Method


All prices displayed on our site are in United States dollars (USD) and will be charged in USD.


We offer a variety of convenient payment methods to choose from. These include major debit and credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, which are securely processed through Stripe or PayPal. Additionally, we provide the option for Bank Transfer. Simply select your preferred payment method during the checkout process.

Debit and credit card payments are processed securely by the global payment experts at Stripe.

For payments made through PayPal, you will be directed to log in to your PayPal account during the checkout process.

Once your payment is successfully completed, you will be automatically redirected to an order confirmation page on our site, and an order confirmation email will be sent to you.


We are thrilled to introduce Pace, our new instalment payment service, exclusively available to our customers in Indonesia. Pace enables you to split your purchases into multiple payments, promoting sustainable spending and making it easier to afford high-quality products that will last longer.

For credit card purchases over $500 in United State, instalment plans are available. Please note that processing fees may apply. If your order is eligible for an instalment plan, a link will be included in your order confirmation email after you complete your purchase. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of the main credit card instalment plans in Indonesia. If you would like us to include another plan, please let us know!

Please be aware that currently, we do not offer instalment plans for international orders outside of United State. However, we recommend contacting your credit card issuer to inquire about any available instalment options. We are continuously exploring and considering additional instalment payment methods to enhance our platform. We value your feedback on positive experiences you have had with instalment payment providers.


Rest assured that all transactions on our website are securely processed through either Stripe or PayPal, utilizing their reliable and secure online payment gateways. Your card details are encrypted within a secure host environment, and we never have access to your credit card details under any circumstances.

We employ Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt and protect the data you send to us over the internet. When SSL is enabled, you will see a padlock icon at the top of your browser, indicating that our site is authenticated. The URL field beginning with “https://” confirms that you are transacting in secure mode, ensuring the privacy and security of your information.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding our payment methods or security measures, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you.

Contact Information :

Address : 1350 W Palma Vista Dr, Palmview, TX 78572
Phone: +1 956-391-4909